How to Create a Hanging Herb Garden


Here is the final part of my reveal for the Thrift Store Swap #5 Spring Edition.  I used my surprises to create a hanging herb garden.  This little house number sign was absolutely wonderful.  Here’s a glimpse of what I started with:

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The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL House number plaques before

You can read the details on how I tranformed it HERE.

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Metal sign upcycle

I love its curves and it’s patina.   Below is a link to the paint that I used…my favorite!  Those bright colors and the patina on the sign coupled with those vibrantly colored baskets had me locked down into garden mode.  

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL metal baskets before

And so I decided on an herb garden!

Fabricating a base for the Thrift Store Swap baskets

The baskets were a little flimsy and the sign is solid metal.  The combination would be rather heavy especially after adding soil and plants.  

So I grabbed some old wood and fabricated a solid base onto which the sign and baskets could be secured…a simple pallet wood base.

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL pallet wood base

I centered and secured the sign to the pallet wall with screws.  Then I folded the baskets in half and backed one flat side against the pallet board.  I used my Ryobi Airstrike cordless stapler to secure the baskets to the wood.  

Assembling a hanging garden

I lined the baskets with coconut grass liners,  added soil, and a fresh selection of herbs.

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL garden supplies

Boy, did Home Depot have some beautifully fragrant and robust herbs!  I selected German Thyme, Curled Parsley, Garden Sage, Italian Oregano, Rosemary, and Tuscan Blue Rosemary.  My van smelled like a fragrant bouquet! 

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL fresh herbs

The last step was to attach some picture wire to the back to hang the garden.  It was important to secure the wire adequately since the finished garden was quite heavy.

And here she is:

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL hanging fresh herbs

She is a beautiful addition to the front entryway at my store!

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL fresh herb wall garden

I would love to see some photos of the thrift store items YOU have transformed!  Share them on our facebook page!

Here are my affiliate links for some of the products used in this project.  Should you purchase them through these links, I will receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. 


Below are the links to the other blogger projects for this Thrift Store Swap #5.  We’d love you to check out all of the projects.  And thanks for stopping by!




Comments 10

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  1. Suzanne, this project is so cute and great for easy fresh herb access right outside the door I love it! Superb upcycle!

    1. Thanks Brenda! Now if I can just keep them alive…I’ve not had good luck with herbs so I am determined to keep this beauty perky and producing!

  2. It looks wonderful in the entryway of your store. It is perfect you were able to combine both items in one piece, love it!

    1. Thanks Pili! It’s so hot here in Alabama during the summer. Seems I always neglect my herbs so this one might stay here at the store to be tended daily.

  3. Hi Susanne: This is a perfect little herb garden. The plants will be hung away from the ground so you don’t need to worry about pets around the food. Its pretty and fragrant. Love this project.

How to Create a Hanging Herb Garden

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