Spring Porch Decor


Our front entry is actually a stoop and not a porch.  But it’s an entry so let’s consider it a mini porch!.  Time to decorate for spring!  Let’s update our spring porch decor, with flowers!

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If you are visiting from Rich and Donna’s An Organized Season, welcome!  I’m so glad you are here!  Our Flowers, Porches and Gardens Blog Hop links are shared at the end of this post!  Leslie at Feet Under My Table is the next stop on the hop.  Leslie shares the best recipes and feel good stories!  Be sure to let her know that I sent you!  

As I type this post, it is 90 degrees in Alabama.  Yes, 90 at the beginning of May.  We are in for a sweltering summer my friends.

Our entry gets full Alabama sun all day long everyday of the year.  So summer is brutal!   This severely limits what I can keep alive at my entry.  This year, I am using some beauties that will be moved to the patio area under our new deck as the temperature climbs.  

Two years ago, I added these rosemary bushes beside the front steps.  The one on the right was beside a large bush that we just cut down.   It is growing asymmetrically to the left so I dug her up and moved her to the right.  I will probably move these to the back yard.  But for now, they are more symmetrical. You can read about how I learned to use my new Ryobi battery operated chain saw  and trimmed up around the yard HERE.  

What to Plant in Full Sun

There for a while, I would only buy geraniums and begonias and portulacas because nothing else can withstand the scorching sun and heat.  But this year, I am using some alternatives up until early summer.  Then I will switch to the proven sun tolerant plants.

Choose a Pleasant Color Pattern

When we replaced our front door unit, I immediately painted the exterior of the front door a vibrant teal.  I still love it.  So this season, I am selecting flowers that compliment that door in the colors of mostly white and pink with a splash of yellow.   

This is my haul from an impromptu visit to the clearance section at Lowes garden center.  Score!

Sections on the Front Stoop

Two years ago I installed a few hooks to display hanging ferns at the front door.  This year, I hung one petunia basket, a strawberry plant and of course one fern.  I’m pretty sure I can keep these alive through June when the heat really begins to swelter!  At that point these will be relocated beneath the deck to the shady patio.

To the right of the door, I added the petunias in my favorite vintage bucket.  They were a bit wilted, which is why they were on clearance.  But after a few days of the extra watering, they should be perk right up.   I also added some succulents from the yard which helped fill up the bucket.


I added some more petunias and some portulacas, which the most sun tolerant plants I’ve ever purchased!  And you can’t beat their colors when they bloom.  Deadhead them and you will have glorious vibrant colors all summer.  These even return from year to year for me here in the south. 


To the left of the door, more petunias.  I transplanted these into an old watering can.  Perfect!  I will continue to water these twice a day to rejuvenate the plant.  She will be plump and glorious in a day or so.

Some height was needed  so I grabbed some lemongrass , again from the back garden.  This will keep the mosquitoes away.  You know my mantra…use what you have!  Well, unless you hit the jackpot at the Lowe’s garden clearance shelves!

More portulacas and some salvia from the back yard make a sweet display.  Once these settle and soak up some extra water, the color should be phenomenal.  I promise to post some updated photos over next few weeks as these plants settle in and really thrive.  

This is what we are starting with and I see the potential.  

Vacation Time

As I finish this post, I am jumping into the van and heading to cation Time Myrtle beach S.C. for a week long vacay with family including #2 and her wife, #3, # 5, my SIL and her Daughter and her wonderful family!  #1 and his family were coming until they expectedly sold their home and immediately found another.  Too much going on right now for them to head to the beach.  #4 is in charge of the family pets and this lovely front porch/stoop while we are gone.  Sadly, she couldn’t get the time off so that means 2 things…1-my benefit as she can check on Mia, Tinkerbell, Tofu and Mochi and 2- need to plan another family beach trip closer to home like Gulf Shores.  Such a horrid task, planning a beach vacation…right?? 


Thanks for stopping by!  And remember to check the clearance garden area at Lowe’s!

Flowers, Porches and Gardens Blog Hop

I am sharing this post as part of our Flowers, Porches and Gardens spring porch blog hop with some wonderfully creative blogger friends.  Be sure to visit their posts for some inspiration and spring joy!  Thanks to Cindy at Cloches and Lavender for hosting!  



CINDY at Cloches & Lavender

CRYSTAL at Sweet Valley Acres

KIMBERLY at From Farmhouse to Florida


TAMMY at White Lilac Farmhouse


Comments 19

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  1. Leslie Watkins says:

    I love bargain plants and just helped clear out the school greenhouse to take to nursing homes and brought home a few great annuals and perennials to add to ours. Have a great beach vacation! Loved hopping with you!

    1. thebluebuilding@charter.net says:

      You can’t beat discounts and sharing flowers! Thanks my friend!

  2. Your front porch is gorgeous, and I hope you are having a fantastic time on vacation! 90 already. Well we are hitting 95 Saturday and Sunday in NJ which is rare. How do you keep the fern thriving in the sun? I tried and it got b urned and died one year. Thanks for hopping with me!!

    1. thebluebuilding@charter.net says:

      Thanks Cindy! It’s really beautiful here. Thanks for hosting again!

  3. Donna Allen says:

    All of your flowers are so pretty! I love all of the bright colors that pop in front of your teal door! I hope you have a fabulous vacation! What a wonderful way to kick-start summer!! Blessings, Donna

    1. thebluebuilding@charter.net says:

      Thank you Donna. I was so lucky to hit the clearance early. It’s the perfect week here in Myrtle Beach! Not 90!!

  4. I would have never thought of teal for the front door but wow does it ever look good! Love all your plants too. Also I cannot believe how hot it is for you already. We can barely get to 60 degrees so far. It has been a pitiful spring. Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

    1. thebluebuilding@charter.net says:

      I’m a blue girl and we are loving it! Thanks so much Crystal.

  5. Sue, your flower pots are so full of inspiration! Your front porch is gorgeous!

    1. thebluebuilding@charter.net says:

      You are so kind! thanks so much!

  6. I love all of your plants, Sue. I hope you had a wonderful vacation.

    1. thebluebuilding@charter.net says:

      Thanks Tammy! It was incredible!

Spring Porch Decor

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