Shopping for Antiques in Elizabethton Tennessee


I took a little break from painting the kitchen cabinets in my daughter’s new home.  We made a late afternoon visit to some antique shops in downtown Elizabethton Tennessee.  While it is frustrating when you are knee deep in picking glory as closing time approaches, I find it keeps my penchant for spending in check.  It’s a constant reminder that I don’t need it all!  Let’s go shopping for antiques in Elizabethton Tennessee.

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A Preliminary Visit to Antiques in Elizabethton

I had strolled this lovely little small town shopping district back in December.  It was a cold and dreary early morning Sunday.  DIL#2 and I had a delicious breakfast at Southern Restaurant.  First rule of shopping for antiques, enjoy the local food!

Shopatblu Elizabethton Southern Breakfast

Then, we window shopped the small cluster of antique shops. Sadly they were all closed. Covid has really taken its toll on small mom and pop businesses and it was blatantly obvious on Elk Street.  We did enjoy the limited views through the storefront windows of all of the treasures that were just out of our reach. 

Shopatblu Elizabethton Christmas window

And that time certainly placed the area up on the list of places to revisit in the spring.

Shopatblu antiquing tobacco start ElizabethtonI’m was dying to get inside of these little shops.  Zoom in on the detail on this mirror!

Shopatblu antiquing Elizabethton gold mirror

Even the local coffee shop has charm and antiques and…honey!

While no shops were open, we did a walking tour of the historic markers and monuments.  It was quite lovely.  I share some highlights at the end of this post.

Shopatblu antiquing Elizabethton old homes

The Return Trip:  Actually Shopping for Antiques

Today we returned with #2 in tow.  It was probably 4:30PM when we arrived and with a 6PM closing time for the shops, we promptly got to our mission.

I’m drawn to so many things and when I enter a shop, I simply must see everything.  I’m always drawn to glass, French antiques, all furniture, kitchen anything, and everything primitive.  So #2 and DIL#2 are always aisles ahead of me.  At some point I’m sure they make a second pass.  And they always end up near the entrance giggling and patiently waiting for me. 

My First Find

The first shop we browsed was Picket Fence Antiques.  This store, like many, had vendors who rent spaces. There was a great variety of incredible finds at Picket Fence.  My first purchase was this grain scale for $7.  She reminds me of my MIL who kindled and inspired my love for country primitives.

shopatblu Johnson City TN antiquing grain scale  I said my weakness is glass.  So when I saw this RED bottle, I almost tripped over myself trying to get to it. 

I’ve had a bottle tree since before I opened The Blue Building Antiques back in 2009.  But authentic red bottles are so rare.  This bottle is Red Ruby Anchor Glass per the bottom.  The markings on the bottle can identify the maker and help date the item.

Shopatblu Elizabethton antique ruby red bottle markingShopatblu Elizabethton antique ruby red bottle

So many great finds and good prices too!

I’ve never seen a double ice cube tray!  Have you??


The second store we shopped was a two story shop!  This gem had some incredible antique furniture pieces.  I saw this beauty and she was only $159. 

shopatblu Antique tiger oak chest

And yes, I should have bought it!  She’s now haunting me.




Here are a few other beauties from the same shop.  I should have bought this basket!

How about this beautiful grain box???  I need one of these!  Didn’t know it until today.

There were some gorgeous primitives!

If you are looking for replacement chimneys, head to Elizabethton!

And I would not be me if I didn’t share the icon on one of these trips!

As you probably are aware, I’m a BLUE girl.  Always have been.  Combine cobalt blue with glass and, well, enough said.  This little bottle just pulled me in. 

I have never seen one with the lid!  Score!

Shopatblu Elizabethton antique cobalt blue apothecary bottle bottom Shopatblu Elizabethton antique cobalt blue apothecary bottle markings

And, you might know that since updating My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen, copper is yet another weakness.  So this little beauty had to come home with me.

Shopatblu Elizabethton antique vintage copper pitcher

She still has the label on the bottom.  It is not familiar to me so I will do some research that should help determine her age.

Shopatblu Elizabethton copper pitcher labele finds


Last and Best Find of the Day

My last find was this darling tiny chest. 

Shopatblu Elizabethton antique vintage mini white chest

I’m envisioning her all chippied up sitting on my kitchen counter.  Perhaps she will hold some tea. 

Shopatblu Elizabethton antique vintage mini white chest drawers

Or maybe she can be the solution for the loose mail scattered across the kitchen counter that drives Mr. Blu into a frenzy.  The oil based paint is the best to get a chippy look out of so that will be a project for the driveway on a warmer day.

Shopatblu Elizabethton antique vintage mini white chest orchid


We strolled the rest of the street and peeked into the closed shops which just intrigued me more.  I’ll have to make some calls before my next trip.  I must gain access!  I must see the treasures inside!  I’ll keep you posted!

Shopatblu Elizabethton antique vintage finds

Until then, antique on my vintage loving friends!

Sites and Sights in Elizabethton TN

Here are some more shots of this quaint little Tennessee town from my first visit for you to enjoy.  And here is a brief history of Elizabethton. 

This little town is filled with gorgeous old homes! 

I highly recommend the walking tour.  We saw the lovely war memorials.  Very impressive and solemn.  I suppose we walked for about 30-45 minutes.  We started at the creek and the covered bridge.  Just past the covered bridge was a side street that runs parallel to Elk, where the shops are located.  There were so many beautiful homes.  A few were even being updated.  We circled onto the main street (Elk) where we peeked into the shop windows.  And we ended up back at the water where we had parked.  

I guess I spent a total of about 6 hours in Elizabethton.  But it was enough to make me want to return and continue shopping for antiques!  

If you are looking for great places to find antiques in Tennessee, here are a few post from some antique loving friends.  They’ve identified some incredible shops and markets!

Bristol Tennessee/Virginia with Sadie Seasongoods

Nashville Flea Market, Nashville Tennessee with Petticoat Junction

Nashville Tennessee with Sadie Seasongoods






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Shopping for Antiques in Elizabethton Tennessee

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