How to Dry Brush a Planter or Decor


I have a section of my work area at The Blue Building Antiques and Consignment that is loaded with items waiting for TLC.  Most of these can be upated with this simple dry brush technique.  I grab items from yard sales, thrift stores, estate sales, etc. that have seen better days.  There is an entire section of furniture, small shelves, side tables, knickknacks, etc. that simply need a slap of paint to transform them into a contemporary beauty.  I call this my Quick Upcycle Project Pile.  These are items that need some paint and about 10 minutes of attention.  I could also be called the Cheap and Quick Upcycle Project Pile!

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Today’s project

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project Planter before

This still has the original price tag inside.  

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project Planter original price

It is obviously from an upscale store.  The composition and texture is incredibe.  And this planter is quite ornate with lots of detail.  

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project Planter detail

And as a bonus, it has great little legs on it!

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project Planter legs

These type items are prefect candidates for a quick dry brushing technique.

The Process

I had a few sample jars of Fusion Mineral paint in my work area.  I grabbed a few along with a 1″ angle brush that was in my Haven Conference SWAG bag compliments of Americana DECOR aka DecoArt.  Both of these paint companies have fantastic paints in vibrant colors!

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project Planter Fusion and Deco Arts

Dry Brush Technique

I love to apply white or lighter paint colors onto a dark surface with the dry brush technique.  Dry brushing means that you dip your brush into the paint and then remove most of the paint from the brush.  You then drag the brush across the surface of your item. The result is a shabby finish where the paint adheres to some of the surface in an uneven fashion.  I love this look!  I would suggest practicing a bit before you go at it on your actual project piece.  There is definitely a learning curve to find the right look for you!

And here she is in all of her new found glory:

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project Planter after

This would be great to use for a fern.  Or to hold your mail or other documents.  

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project 3 planter with floral ball jars

Or how about a book holder or stationary station.  The possibilities are endless!

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project 3 planter with sheet music
Cost of this Quick Upcycle Project
  • planter     $5 at the thrift store
  • paint          free but you can buy samples at Lowes or Home Depot for a few dollars
  • Total cost is under $10!  

The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project 3 planter with floral

I am sharing this quick upcycle project with my wonderful group of blogging friends!

Join us the last Friday of each month for a different Inspired Makers Challenge

Follow along with #InspiredMakers and #InspiredMakersChallenge to see more amazing projects every month!

July Challenge: $10 and Under Projects with:

Kimm @ Reinvented | Denise @ My Thrifty House | Suzanne @ Shop At Blu
Sam @ Raggedy Bits | Toni @ Small Home Soul | Susanne @ Pearl Street Designs
Ann @ Duct Tape and Denim | Anika @ Anika’s DIY Life | Janice @ Sawdust Sisters
Kim @ Farmhouse Made | Sarah @ 1915House | Lisa @ The Purple Hydrangea

And here are the wonderful projects:


The Blue Building Antiques Alabaster AL Quick Upcycle Project 3 planter pin me


Comments 12

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  1. I love this makeover! The power of paint is amazing.

  2. LOVE this Suzanne! Dry brushing always yields such magical results; I love brushing a light color over a darker finish too. Such a quick and easy update for a dated piece.

    1. You are so right! With the onset of farmhouse, I suppose dark can be considered dated…for now! Haha

  3. That’s a great makeover! I bet you have all sorts of goodies in that project pile of yours. Pinning for later 🙂

  4. Your right your little container has the cutest legs!! What a fabulous transformation! Love the colours that you chose and how the detail pops out!

  5. All those beautiful little details are so visible now where they were not very noticeable. It looks great holding the beautiful flowers in those lovely colored mason jars.

How to Dry Brush a Planter or Decor

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