Random re-purposed fun things!


It has been a sweltering summer here in Alabama and consequently, we don’t paint in the extreme heat!  I learned the hard way not to spray paint black in the Alabama sun…can you say BUBBLING PAINT??  However, I have been needing a paint fix so I pulled out a few pieces and decided to go at it in the main entrance to The Blue Building!  I grabbed an Oops bucket of something similar to MMSMP Apron Strings and a can of Old Fashioned Milk Paint Patina…which just might be my all time favorite color!   Timing actually couldn’t be better since our college student shoppers are out in full force searching for affordable yet fashionable furnishings.  Yup…you can find it at The Blue Building!  We are the mecca of random re-purposed fun things!

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Here are a few before and afters…and all items are for sale at The Blue Building, in Alabaster, AL.  Before:

And after:















Here’s a great little full headboard that I found at the thrift store.  The bottom had veneer chipped all the way across.  I used a scraper to remove the veneer figuring that, once it’s painted, the mattress will hide this section.  So even if it’s rough, it just won’t matter!  I think my favorite finish is distressing of light paint over dark wood.



And here are some other things that, well I haven’t worked on them, but they are just plain FUN!  They have either come in on consignment are are for sale in a Dealer’s space here at The Blue Building.  I have found that sometimes, just looking at these great little treasures can bring joy and peace to the soul.  So, from me to you…enjoy!

These gorgeous chairs are handcrafted from…yes…pallets!  Now I know that we are all just about over those rough wood pallet creations.  You haven’t seen this quality of construction from pallets…I guarantee it!  Brandon, one of my dealers, sands and refurbishes every piece of hardwood that he extracts (and if you have tried to disassemble a pallet then you know that the proper term is extract) from his pallets.  You could use these babies as a sliding board in your nylons and you would not get a pull let alone a splinter!  Smooth as a baby’s behind!  Aren’t they gorgeous???















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Random re-purposed fun things!

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