My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen: Countertops

My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen has new countertops!


Hello! I have missed you. We had an extra week off and actually skipped Week 5 of the ORC. The organizers felt a much needed time of rest and reflection was due with all of the turmoil and sadness raging throughout our country. I pray you all are safe as we refocus on what is important and what it means to be a free and equal American. My greatest prayer is for every American to enjoy the liberty and freedom and rights that our forefathers and ancestors fought so hard for. At the root of this quest is and always should be love and kindness and the golden rule. It’s very simple really. If we all just lived our lives according to those basics…imagine what a world we would have! And on that note, here is this week’s ORC update on a very basic part of my kitchen but a very integral part…countertops!

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The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen ORC Week 6 Spring 2020 countertops

What happened to the cabinets?

If you have been following along, you will remember that this post was supposed to be about my painted cabinets. But, as the best laid plans proceed there are inevitably delays. For me, these delays were twofold. First, I ordered the wrong hinges. So I had to return the originals and wait for the correct hinges to arrive. Second, we had alot of rain here in Alabama. Because I selected an oil based paint for my cabinets, I needed to spray them outside. But with rain, that was a no go. Fortunately, our countertops were installed this week. So welcome to Week 6…countertops!

It took me so long to embrace the white farmhouse craze but once I got there, I was all in. I wanted pristine white countertops! Perhaps a little sparkle would be nice. I can’t believe the selection of white countertops that are available! Mr. Blu and I narrowed down our choices to:

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops choices
Corian Selections

So many choices for countertops!

Mr. Blu was not feeling the stark white countertops…even with the little sparkle. I was shocked, right?? Who doesn’t love a little sparkle! Mr. Blu wanted the white cabinets but thought that white countertops would be way too much white. So here is the one we selected:

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops Sandstorm
Corian Sandstorm

We thought the slight tan almost looked like copper and hoped it would help highlight our sink. We were right!

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops Sandstorm
Corian Sandstorm
The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops copper
The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops copper sink
The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops copper highlights
My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen

Like the floors, which you can read about here, I didn’t want to put anything on my counterops. We went days without using them. Finally, I moved the coffee pot onto the countertops. The the carousel of cooking untensils. Why is it when you get new countertops, you suddenly need brand spanking new utensils and accessories and and all things copper and Tuscan??? Focus! First things first! I believe that accessories were invented so that a room is never really finished. Am I right???

Next week…the cabinets! I promise! Here’s a sneak peek:

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops drawers
The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen Countertops ORC

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My Tuscan Inspired Kitchen: Countertops

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