My Favorite Thrift Store Decor Team Upcycles from 2021


I joined the Thrift Store Decor Team this past August.  The creativity, skill, and talents of the individuals in this group constantly amaze me.  This group tackles every single craft and skill throughout the year.  Where else can you learn to stencil, make wreaths, decoupage, repair furniture, learn about typed of paint, master glass cutting, the list goes on.  For today’s post, I went back through all of the TSDT posts from 2021 and have selected my very favorite posts.  I am sharing them below.  Click on each photo to see the project.  Here are the best of the upcycles from each of my team members.  Below these is a collection of all of our favorites from the whole year.

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The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu thrifty graphic

Petticoat Junction

Kathy is a tried and true trash to treasure Queen!  She uses the most amazing colors and I just don’t know how she is able to capture the vibrancy on camera.  She definitely has a rustic flair to her projects.  My favorite Petticoat Junction transformation is this darling yellow jewelry box.

Repurposed Tool Box into Jewelry Box


Domestically Speaking

Maryann is one of those bloggers who does everything well.  Her projects are always highlighted with detailed instructions that make you feel you can do anything.  She has a way of simplifying even the complicated tasks.  While I love all of her posts, my favorite is this one where she teaches you how to cut glass.  And she makes it seem so stinking easy!  Who doesn’t want to make their own cloches??

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu cloche
How to Cut Glass


My Repurposed Life

I’m not sure I ever told Gail this, but back when I was signed up to attend my first Haven Conference, hers was the very first blog that I read about traveling to Haven.  I remember her talking about the car ride and being inspired by someone who’s passion was rescuing stuff.  Well, Gail continues to take items that most people would toss in the trash and transform them into lovely and function items.  My favorite post from My Repurposed Life is this one where she shares tips on how easy it is to repair furniture.

Fake Wood Dresser Mirror Repair


Organized Clutter

Carlene joined this group about the same time that I did.  But she is another blogger that I remember from years back as having incredible posts.  And she still does.  She dabbles in absolutely everything.  I love how she transformed this child’s easel into wall art.

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu desk
Child’s Easel Becomes Wall Art


My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

Kristin is another blogger who I followed in my early days.  Her tagline is Inspired Living on a Budget so everyone can relate!  This macrame bowl cover is just darling!  

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu macrame
Macrame Bowl Cover

Sadie Seasongoods

Sarah is the brilliance behind Sadie Seasongoods.  I absolutely love her tag line…Living a firsthand life using secondhand things.  You know you’ve found an incredible blogger when every time you read their post, you are consumed by an overwhelming urge to create.  I love this seed box.

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu seed box
Seed Storage Box


House of Hawthornes

Pam is another blogger with a wide range skills, interest, and ability to throw together a fabulous tutorial.  Her post on Hyperturfa planters is a must if you like to garden.  I had no idea we could enjoy the look and feel of concrete without the weight!

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu hyperflora
Making Hyperturfa Planters



Reinvented Delaware

Cindy has a great eye for the repurposed.  She’s also got some incredible painting skills and a section on her blog devoted to textiles. I just love this makeover of this darling step stool/seat.  You know I’m a sucker for a great paint project.

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu stool
Painted Layered Stool


Our Southern Home

Christy has such elegant and stately taste.  Her blog is appropriately named.  All of her tutorials are easy to follow.  I just love this transformed ice bucket.  I see one of these every time I go to the Thrift Store.

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu ice bucket
DIY Chinoiserie Ice Bucket

And of course, here is my favorite project of my own!  

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu repurposed wooden calendar

Here are the links to the team’s roundups from 2021.

Reinvented Delaware
House Of Hawthornes
Shop At Blu
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Sadie Seasongoods
Organized Clutter
Our Southern Home
Petticoat Junktion
My Repurposed Life
Domestically Speaking


Below are 100 of our favorite upcycled and thrifty projects!  Which are your favorites?

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Comments 11

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  1. Suzanne,
    I’m so happy to have you as part of our team! Thank you for the kind words about what I love to do.
    I miss going to blog conferences, but honestly, I’d rather be camping. 😉
    That chalkboard of mine never sold at the booth, so it’s waiting here at home for a new makeover – a different color of paint.

  2. Kristin salazar says:

    I love all of your features, I missed Pam’s planter, I will have to check that out. Love having you with our thrift team!

  3. Cindy Rust says:

    That calendar of yours is pretty popular! I saw that others chose it as their fave. And it’s a no wonder – such a great makeover! Thanks for choosing our flip stool makeover. It was a fun project. Pinned this post!😊

  4. I love seeing all these projects! I can’t wait to go thrifting again.

My Favorite Thrift Store Decor Team Upcycles from 2021

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