How to Transition Your Outdoor Decor to Fall


Fall is a rather elusive season here in the south. While the rest of the country is basking in cooler weather as early as late August, our first signs of cooler temps don’t usually arrive mid October. Even then, it’s just a teasing with an almost immediate return to 80 degree temperatures. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, I always struggle with plopping the pumpkins on the front porch while we are still using the pool. And, as a blogger, I’ve got to embrace the next season a month or two earlier than most folks. So I transition my fall decor at my own gradual pace, starting rather slowly with my outdoor fall decor.

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I’m sharing this post as part of a Friendsgiving event with some of my “spicey” blogger friends. We had a blast at the Haven Conference this year and decided to collaborate a bit. Today we are sharing some of our fall and Thanksgiving projects and tips. I’m sharing their posts at the end of this one. Be sure to visit each friend. You will be amazed at the creativity in this sweet little group./

I always start with the obvious…a change of colors.

The Logical Place to Start

shopatblu how to refresh metal garden decor planters

Remove everything that screams summer. The dragonflies go into storage. Along with the summer pillows. The previous season’s colored planters get moved to the back of the group.

Accessories Make It Easy

Bring in the new pillows, cushions, and throws as staples for your outdoor fall decor. Then sprinkle your seasonal items. Which, of course, includes pumpkins and mums.

Thrifty Tip

Who can afford to buy all new seasonally appropriate cushions in the perfect color? Not me! I do have a thrifty tip to bring your current cushions into the new season. Keep an eye on the clearance racks in local stores for discounted fabric, curtains, tablecloths, etc.

I simply use some seasonally appropriate fabric to wrap my cushions. I wrap them tightly and they stay in place. You could even tack them into place with a safety pin or a small stitch with a sewing needle and some thread. Easy and quick upgrade! I used fabric I had in the closet so this was a free upgrade for me. My favorite kind of transition to outdoor fall decor is free outdoor fall decor. You know my mantra…use what you have!

I did find a nice selection of pillows at our local Old Time Pottery store. They had some grey and brown clearance pillows for $3.50 so I had to indulge. I even found this orange cutie. Nothing quickly changes the look of your decor like the addition of some pillows.

Add Some Focal Points

I always add some flare by using previous fun projects. Check out my post on how I updated these wooden pumpkins, a marketplace find from last year! Click on the photo for the before and the full tutorial.

Summer Blooms are Still Producing

My summer gardens are still, green. Butterfly bushes are blooming. My roses love the less humid weather and really put out the buds. Hibiscus flowers and marigolds are still producing too. I use these plants as fillers and just decorate around them. As the cold sets in, I trim off the yellow leaves and spent blooms. We get every second out of these beauties.

Even my succulents are perking up. So I let these beauties continue to shine.

I just add little elements of the new season. Tuck some pumpkins into the tops of the planters.

Add a few gourds. Set larger pumpkins on the ground. Use mums to add more color. Scatter some pinecones.

Use Nature to Decorate

While we don’t have the fabulous rainbow of changing leaves, we do enjoy the gentle wafting of leaves to the ground. Usually I use my Ryobi leaf blower to clear leaves from the deck. But this time of year, we just enjoy this visual sign that fall is near. Use those natural elements…leaves and pinecones are free AND seasonally appropriate!

I even added some purple to the outdoor fall decor by trimming the butterfly bush to enjoy the blooms.

Of course, I add holiday appropriate focal points. Click on the photo below for the tutorial on those purple pumpkins.

As I said, I’m sharing this post as part of our Friendsgiving blog hop.

And G-Baby Blu will be spending the night on Friday so while this turkey would not be my choice of tasteful decor, my little guy will really enjoy it!

With all of these little changes, there is simply one more thing to do.

Wait for the crisp air and cool evenings.

Welcome to our Friendsgiving Sharing Hop! Thanks to Juliet at A Loverly Life for heading up this fun! Below are the projects from my talented friends. Just click on each photo to check out each post. From tablescapes to recipes to fun games and decor…you will find quite a bit of creativity here! Pin and share what you like! Leave a comment! We love to hear from you!

And Happy Friendsgiving!

Betsy at Happily Ever After Etc.

Alicia Design of Your Life

Juliet at A Loverly Life

Nicole at Adorn the Table

Kimberly at From Farmhouse to Florida

Chas at Chas’ Crazy Creations

Kristin at Fifth Sparrow No More

Shop At Blu…that’s me! I’m so glad you’re here!












Comments 8

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  1. Chas - Chas' Crazy Creations says:

    I love your fall decor, and it looks so cozy! Love those purple pumpkins too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Kimberly Snyder says:

    Love all your great ideas, Sue! Such a fun post! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!

  3. Betsy at Happily Ever After, Etc. says:

    I love it Sue! The tip to add seasonal fabric to summer pillow is genius… I don’t have the money or storage space to change out my porch pillows with the seasons but this I could do! I also agree that Alabama is so strange… it’s been 80 here all week while everyone else is freezing! Thanks for the great tips.

  4. Great ideas Sue! Perfect for our Fall patio!

How to Transition Your Outdoor Decor to Fall

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