How to Paint Bathroom Faucets


What are you supposed to do when you change your bathroom decor and silver faucets just don’t fit with the new look?  Buy some Rustoleum spray paint and get to it!

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I had purchased a new faucet for our garden tub and finally had it installed by our plumber.  I love it!  but now I want my vanity faucets to match!  So I checked out Pinterest and found a tutorial by Kristen at My Homier Home.  The steps seemed easy so I ran to Home Depot to purchase my go to spray paint…Rustoleum.

The Blue Building Anitques Shopatblu painitng vanity faucets Rustoleum paint

The first step is to clean the existing faucets.  I cleaned them well and then wiped them with TSP.  Then I gently sanded the smooth surfaces and wiped again.  

The Blue Building Anitques Shopatblu painitng vanity faucets Rustoleum

Next, I taped off the area around the faucets so that I would not get overspray anywhere inappropriate.  

The Blue Building Anitques Shopatblu painitng vanity faucets Rustoleum overspray

I gave the faucets a quick light spray of primer and allowed them to dry.  I followed with two more light coats allowing each to dry thoroughly between coats.  

I allowed the faucets to dry overnight and then applied the gold spray paint.  I applied three light coats allowing each to thoroughly dry before completing the next application.  I topped it off with a light spray of Rustoleum Clear Finish Spray Lacquer to help protect the new finish.




And the result was fabulous!  My faucets are updated with a beautiful gold look without the cost or labor of replacing them.

The Blue Building Anitques Shopatblu painitng vanity faucets Rustoleum painted faucet


You can check out the entire master bathroom refresh at $100 Master Bathroom Update .

I am working my way through my house, one DIY project at a time.  Follow along for DIY projects on a budget!




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How to Paint Bathroom Faucets

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