$3 Dollar Tree Pumpkin DIY Door Decor
Why is it that I feel compelled to have fresh new door decor for every fall season? Are you like me? Is it really a crime to use the same decor for more than one season? Thank the Good Lord for Dollar Tree and affordable options for new decor. I spent $3 on this Dollar Tree pumpkin DIY door decor. It was quick and easy. And you can switch up the look according to what supplies you already have on hand. I stopped in at the Dollar Tree to grab a gift bag for Tyson’s birthday party. Tyson is this cutie and he just turned one.
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And of course Simba was at the party!
Of course, I found way too many cool items for $1. This wire pumpkin caught my eye. For $1, how could I resist? I grabbed the floral for another dollar.
Simple Instructions
Fortunately, I do have a rather extensive supply of spray paint. I had several cans of orange spray paint on hand. So I selected a few and set up a small spraying station in the driveway. A used pizza box and the trash can were perfect for this quick project. I like to use 2-3 colors to really give the object some dimension. Granted, these wires on this pumpkin are quite narrow, multiple colors should still help raise the interest level. I covered the green with the first orange completely and then used the second color to randomly highlight. If I need more color, I can simply dab on some craft paint at a later time.
The next step is to attach the florals to the pumpkin. You can just use the florals but I decided to attach a bow to give the florals something more to cling to and to add some interest. This ribbon was also $1 at Dollar Tree. I simply cut strips from the burlap ribbon and tied them onto the thin metal. The ribbon was quite loose in weave so I quickly switched from tying to simply gluing the ribbon onto the wire pumpkin. Then I used wire cutters to trim the pick/stem off of the floral items. The pinecones and cotton glue nicely to the ribbon with the stems cut off. Next, I tucked the floral pieces into the ribbon. You can play around with the design and lay everything in place until you are happy. Then just glue it all into place. I just kept tucking burlap ribbon into place until it looked full enough.
There was a good selection at Dollar Tree of fall florals including many colors of sunflowers and leaves. There was also a huge selection of ribbon. So many possibilities! And at $1 per floral piece, you could really make a nice full arrangement.
Do you like my glue gun finger tip protectors? They are a must for any glue gun project. This is the first time in 30 years that I used a hot glue gun and do not have any blisters as a result! You can find them HERE.
This is really a basic project. You can use the same techniques with different shapes and florals to create any kind of decor for any season or holiday! Easy peasey, right??? $3!!!!
Another Loverly Bloghop: Pumkin Patch
I’m sharing this project with Another Loverly Blog Hop: Pumpkin Patch! Thanks to Juliet at A Loverly Life for organizing yet another fabuouls hop! Below are my friends who created a pumpkin themed project for you. Enjoy!
Anne at Ikorn Crafts is sharing her DIY for this fun mesh fall wreath.
Carol from Blue Sky at Home is sharing her DIY for this festive pumpkin wreath
Sue from Shop at Blue is sharing a festive Dollar Store Pumpkin Wreath
Nicole from Adorn the Table is sharing her adorable pumpkin place card holders
You’ll never guess how Diane from South House Designs made these metallic pumpkins
Stephanie from Gathered in the Kitchen is sharing the DIY for these adorable farmhouse fabric pumpkins
Kristin from Fifth Sparrow No More created this beautiful fall center piece in a FIRKIN (what’s a FIRKIN?)
Nicolle from Our Tiny Nest shows you how to make these cute pumpkins with a secret tip – click on the photo to find out how easy tip.
Juliet from A Loverly Life is sharing her Moondance inspired Decoupage Pumpkin.
Comments 3
Thanks for the share Nicolle. I can’t get enough of these dollars store ideas!!