Declutter Tips: A January Challenge to Declutter


Yeah, yeah, yeah…January is filled with resolutions that turn into February disappointments.  So we need to set reasonable goals and sometimes that means small and selective goals.  I am encouraging a January declutter challenge in which you do as little or as much as you want in whatever order you need to proceed.  If you want to be successful at any task, you have to move at your own pace and concentrate on the things that are most important to you.  This challenge is fluid.  Adapt it to your needs.  Participate when you like.  And share your results.  I can’t wait to see your declutter tips!

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The challenge runs through the month of January.  I will post the weekly challenge every Monday.  Choose what you like and proceed at your own pace.  Don’t be shy!  I want to hear all of your declutter tips!

Guide for Week One

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu Declutter logo week one

Inspired by Every Day Savvy’s Blog

My inspiration for this challenge comes from Every Day Savvy.  We are following their graphic so I encourage you to visit their blog for great ideas.

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu week one january declutter challenge 30 bags

How to Participate

This challenge is live on my Facebook page: The Blue Building Antiques.  I will be sharing my daily progress photos on that page.  Each week I will share my favorite tips and advice from readers as well as my favorite bloggers.  

This should be an interesting and educational challenge. Participants are from all around the country and from different backgrounds. One thing I like about blogging is connecting with folks from literally everywhere.
We are all at different stages in our lives whether in age, professionally, geographically or socio-economically. Tiny tips from a friend in Georgia could be a time saver for you! Grandma’s secret from California might be the solution you’ve been looking for!
Join us! Make some changes! Make some progress! Make some friends!

Move at Your Own Pace

This is not an all or nothing challenge. If you tackle one area in the 30 days, we will call that a WIN!
Do what you can! The goal is to make an improvement that makes you happy and makes your life easier! I am all about improvements and DIY that cost $0.

I am headed to the kitchen to tackle those cupboards.  What is your first target area?

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Declutter Tips: A January Challenge to Declutter

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