Cranberry orange Martini


Seems I’m on a cranberry orange kick this month.  So why not continue the trend with an adult treat?  We usually have some flavored vodka on hand and the cranberry juice has been sitting on the counter.  Here is a quick twist on the trendy martini.

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  • 1 shot orange vodka
  • chilled cranberry juice
  • add a touch of seltzer if desired
  • garnish with fresh cranberries and an orange slice

Keep in mind that the true martini, the classic martini, contains gin and vermouth.  Seems to me the trendy and contemporary martini more likely than not contains vodka and a fun additive like chocolate, peppermint, etc.  Thus, my twist with this cran-orange martini. 

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu cranberry orange martini

The traditional liquors of gin and vermouth see a bit lost in today’s contemporary society.  The likes of Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Junior, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe mastered the smooth ambiance of the martini.

Who knows, maybe we can bring them back.  

Video:  Cranberry Orange Martini

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu cranberry orange martinis

Whether traditional or contemporary, it’s a nice fruity cordial to sip on after a long day.




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