Alabama Football Gourds Project! Roll Tide Roll!


The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu Alabama Gourd ProjectEasy Crockpot Apple Cobbler apple mixture

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NOTE:  Our retail location, The Blue Building Antiques and Consignment has closed.  But you can still reminisce on our Facebook page.  It has our long history documented in fabulous pictures.  You can also visit our Etsy store.  We will be resuming vintage market soon.  In the meantime, subscribe to our email list (see sidebar) for consistent updates on what’s new in the Blu World!  Now onto some Alabama Football Gourds!


Roll Tide!

Needless to say it is football season.  And in Alabama, this is a big deal!  SEC football is like a religion in Alabama!  Two weeks ago one of my dealers at The Blue Building brought in a box of gourds to sell.  I knew they would be perfect for a quick Alabama football decor item…after all, it’s fall!  Let’s make some Alabama Football Gourds!

shopatblu Alabama gourd project

Today I finally had a few minutes so I grabbed the spray paint and went at it!  I had two partial cans of red spray paint available so I used the first on several and then the second.  Both colors were bright and covered well.  

Add Some Detail

I drew the Alabama A by hand.  It was easy and I’m sure you could do it too!  But if you are not comfortable with your handwriting skills, use a stencil!  Print an Alabama A off of the internet.  Cut it out into a stencil.  Simple paper will work as it’s a one time use.  Tape it to the gourd.  Load a flat brush with some paint.  Dab most of it off.  Then dab onto the stencil.  Practice a few times.  You can do this!

30 minutes later, here is the finished product!  Quick, fun, easy and ROLL TIDE ROLL!  For sale at The Blue Building and also at The Yellow Building!  It’s time for some Alabama Football!

shopatblu Alabama gourds

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Another Loverly Blog Hop:  Apple Picking


Comments 4

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  1. Girl…You know we are Bama fans!! Too bad we don’t live close to you – we would snag a couple of these up! Suzanne, we are so glad to see that your new site is up and running! Way to go! Thanks for linking up to Something To Talk About!!

    1. They are moving fast! You know how it is during football season in Bama! Hope to head your way soon…will let you know when I’m passing through GA!

  2. This is so awesome. I know a lot of friends that love Alabama. Thank you for sharing at Dishing it and Digging it link party. We love having you and hope you join us this coming Sunday afternoon.

    1. Thanks Vanessa! Shop life is so crazy. My intentions are to share every week but life just gets in the way! See you soon!

Alabama Football Gourds Project! Roll Tide Roll!

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