A Quick and Easy Decor Storage Project with Colorshot Paint Markers


Paint Markers for the Win!

Have you ever used paint markers? I recently attended the Haven Conference in Atlanta.  A DIY and Blogging conference, Haven is know for it’s fabulous SWAG (Stuff We All Get).  This year, Colorshot gave away paint markers.  Check out these happy colors:the-blue-building-antiques-shopatblu-colorshot-paint-pens

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Choosing a Project for my Paint Markers

I have quite a bit of clutter that has accumulated in my kitchen as I’ve been repotting many of my indoor plants recently.  I decided to create a bright and cheery two tier table tray with these beautiful colors.  I think we will enjoy the burst of color especially with all of the rain we have had here recently in Alabama.

Haven Inspirational Projects

This little craft project was distributed at Haven.  You will need the following supplies:

  • Two baking pans. I used a small cake pan and a pizza tray.  Both are available at the dollar store. 
  • A small candlestick or other object to glue between the two pans to construct the 2 tier tray. 
  • A can of spray paint in your choice of color
  • A of quick drying glue like crazy glue.  In a pinch you could use a hot glue gun.

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu paint pens cake pans

I gave the little trays two quick coats of bright yellow.  After allowing them to dry overnight, I grabbed my new paint markers in the wonderfully bright, fun colors.  The tips were quite thick with a chiseled edge for multiple stroke sizes.  They were very easy to use and very easy to prime.

Be Creative!  Go Wild!

I used my paint markers to doodle random designs around the pans.  I just started with a nice circle around the outside of each pan.


Next I drew a few large flowers and then randomly drew others of varying size and color.


I used the green to fill in stems and leaves adding additional leaves to fill in empty space. I also used the paint markers to paint the wooden candle holder random colors.  Just have fun with this process!  

The Blue Building Anitques Shopatblu candlestick paint marker

Two Tier Assembly

The last step was to center the candlestick on the bottom tray.  Next, I glued it in place and then repeated to secure the smaller pan on the top of the candlestick.  

The Blue Building Anitques Shopatblu Floral paintingThis was an easy project. I can use this little tiered tray for plants in my kitchen or possible for supplies in my office.  Colorshot paint markers‘ colors are vivid and happy which is sure to brighten any corner. 

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu Two tier original paint with markers                     The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu Two tier paint marker art     The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu Two tier original paint markers


Thanks Colorshot for these vibrant paint markers that fed my creativity!

The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu Two tier paint marker art storage


shopatblu yellow arrow

shopatblu two tier pin


The Blue Building Antiques Shopatblu paint pens staged 2 tier storage unit



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A Quick and Easy Decor Storage Project with Colorshot Paint Markers

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