A Christmas Tree but for Fall!

When it is 85 degrees outside but you feel the need to put your Christmas tree up...decorate for fall and call it your Thanksgiving Tree.


I absolutely love my new King of Christmas Tree. But growing up in Pennsylvania where the fall progresses into seasons, I have to enjoy all of the fall holidays before I can enjoy my Christmas Tree. As anxious as this blogger is to march into Christmas, I simply cannot decorate this beauty for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. But that won’t stop me from decorating the beautiful Christmas Tree for Fall!

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I actually set her up right after Halloween. She stood just like this for several weeks. As we approached Thanksgiving, slowly I added some natural elements. She is now ready for Thanksgiving and I am sharing all of the stages of her beautiful evolution.

King of Christmas

If you have followed me for a few years, you know how much I love the Haven Conference. Several years ago, King of Christmas was a sponsor. This company make the most beautiful Christmas trees. Last year, I was lucky to be gifted their 5 piece Queen Flock set. I had the best time decorating my mantle for the holidays. Here are a few of the many looks she sported last year. The mantle was the focal point of our living room

This year, I was once again thrilled when this showed up.

I selected the Noble Fir Flock Tree with 500 white lights.

Every tree arrives at your front door in a manageable box. Inside are instructions and everything you need to get your tree upright and ready to decorate. There is a remote control for the lights with so many different setting. And, of course, there are KOC’s signature red gloves included to keep your arms from getting scratched or tickled when fluffing your tree branches.

Honestly, it was still 85 degrees outside here in Alabama when I set up my fall Christmas tree. So it was not difficult to resist grabbing the Christmas ornaments from the attic. I was barely fall. So, I went with a nature theme and use some of nature’s favorites to decorate my tree.

I created pine cone garland with pinecones gathered from my yard.

The dark color of the pinecones was a nice contrast with the flock tree limbs.

I finally dried some oranges in the oven. This process was so easy. Click on the orange slices below to read about that process.

It was so much easier than I had imagined. And, I will admit that I am a bit obsessed. I will be sprinkling these beauties everywhere this winter. Why did I wait so long??

Next, I sprinkled some loose pinecones on the branches.

She stayed like this for a few days.

Then I added some berry garland. I draped it loosely on the branches.

Again, I enjoyed her as such for a few more days.

But, alas, she needed some more color so I added some fabric ribbon as garland.

I place a piece on the tree to see how I liked the look. And yes, it worked!

So I added the two darker colors loosely draping the ribbon around the tree. I added a piece of burlap around the base as a tree skirt. And she was finished!

I can’t wait to show her off to the family on Thanksgiving Day!

The beauty of this fall Christmas tree is really in the simplistic ornaments and the natural accents.

She looks a little bit different in the daylight versus the evening.

So it’s kind of like having different personalities! Makes the holiday more fun!

Simba approves.

And so does Mia.

Happy Fall and Happy Thanksgiving!

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shopatblu fall decorations for your tree

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  1. You and I had the same idea with the pinecones! I love how the sunlight shines through your orange slices– so bright and pretty!

A Christmas Tree but for Fall!

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